phone +390499404539
key contact Claudio Carlon
address Via dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato 17
Carmignano di Brenta, Italy 35010

Cimolai Technology is a worldwide, leading company that provides special and innovative solutions for handling and lifting purposes. With a strong presence across multiple sectors—including marinas and shipyards, civil and construction, industry, and special equipment—we deliver state-of-the-art products that redefine efficiency and reliability. Our team of engineers and experienced technicians constantly work to provide customized equipment, designed to meet the client’s specific needs from the very standard to the complex model.

The range of products includes mobile boat hoists and self-propelled trolleys (on rails or tyres) for boats from 30 up to 2000 tons, ship lifting platforms and transfer systems to launch and dry-dock huge vessels and special cranes to handle and turn ship blocks. We also have fully electric options with low pollution and low noise impact.

Our after-sales service is at its client’s complete disposal to provide support throughout the equipment’s operational life.